FILE is one or more source file names, directory names, or '-' for the standard input. Last tip with exiftool, use -s -G parameters to get the actual tag name to use in the command line and not their display names. After installation, you can type the following to list the EXIF data of any document : 1. Description A command-line interface to Image::ExifTool, used for reading and writing meta information in image, audio and video files. That is why I always duplicate my comments in JPEG comment, Title and Description. A command-line interface to Image::ExifTool, used for reading and writing meta information in a variety of file types. It is one of a kind open-source tool which works on a variety of file types.
#Exiftool if plus
ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files. EXIF tool is a widely used meta-data information recorder built on Perl by Phil Harvey.

All Linux distributions comes with a package for exiftool (file.

#Exiftool if software
You may also try chcp 65001 to convert your terminal to UTF-8.Īlso note that some software may use Title and other Description (Google Photos for instance). Download Version 12.64 (5.0 MB) - June 28, 2023. limits the number of files/folder by creating subfolders if a certain numbers is.
#Exiftool if windows
Please note that the default Windows charset terminal is not UTF-8, so you may also use this option to see correctly the contents of your tags ( -Charset 850 by default fo France). You can do this with the following command: exiftool -all picture.jpg. Please note the -Charset option to allow correct encoding (be sure to use yours). Also, within an image some groups may be contained within others, and these groups are removed if the containing group is deleted: JPEG Image: - Deleting EXIF. If you are uploading a picture to a public website, it would be wise to scrub any exif properties - especially if there are GPS exif properties.

1) Basic write example exiftool -artistme a.jpg Writes Artist tag to a.jpg. Exiftool -r -overwrite_original_in_place -Copyright = "(c) 2020" -Title