Wing zero custom bird mode
Wing zero custom bird mode

wing zero custom bird mode

Gundam Epyon Zechs Merquise Endless Waltz Memorial Shots 16 Wing Gundam Zero Custom 17 Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom 18 Gundam Heavyarms Custom 19 Gundam Sandrock Custom 20 Altron Gundam (Nataku) 21 Serpent Custom 22 Tallgeese III 23 Heero Yuy 24 Duo Maxwell 25 Trowa Barton 26 Quatre Reberba Winner 27 Chang Wufei 28 Relena Peacecraft 29 Mariemaia Khushrenada 30 Dekim Barton 31 Lady Une 32 Lucrezia Noin 33 Zechs Merquise 34 Sally Po 35 Mariemaia & Relena 36 Heero & Relena Story 37 The Shooting Star She Saw Heero Yuy 38 The Gundam Deathscythe Gundam Deathscythe 39 5 Gundams Confirmed Heavyarms vs. Altron Gundam Treize Khushrenada 15 Wing Gundam Zero vs. Title Alternate Title Memorial Shots 1 Wing Gundam & Relena Heero Yuy 2 Gundam Heavyarms Trowa Barton 3 Gundam Sandrock Quatre Reberba Winner 4 Gundam Deathscythe Duo Maxwell 5 Duo & Hilde Hilde Schbeiker 6 Heero & Relena Heero Yuy 7 Altron Gundam & Wing Gundam Zero Chang Wufei 8 Trowa & Cathrine Cathrine Bloom 9 Gundam Epyon & Taurus Lucrezia Noin 10 Gundam Deathscythe Hell Duo Maxwell 11 Tallgeese 2 & Lady Une Lady Une 12 Peacemillion & Gundams Sally Po 13 Relena & Heero Relena Peacecraft 14 Tallgeese 2 vs. 1.53 per box if collation were perfect.GW MS sets: approximately 1.41 per box.No. Note: The GW MS one-per-pack cards will sometimes be included withthe basic set.īox: 24 packs of 6 cards + 1 GW MS card.Common sets: approx. Gundam Wing - Endless WaltzUpper Deck / Bandai - 2001 Please click on the image above to visit the main page.

wing zero custom bird mode

Wing Zero transforms into Neo Bird Mode and flies away.The House of Checklists is provided as an information resource for It then fires a laser blast at the foe, destroying it. We cut to a targeting reticle before cutting to the head of the Gundam.

  • Twin Buster Rifle Fire - Wing Zero will aim it's twin barreled beam rifle at the foe.
  • As a map attack, Wing Zero spreads it's arms out holding the rifles and then fires beams from each side while spinning.
  • Twin Buster Rifle Split - Wing Zero flies into the air and then splits the Twin Buster Rifle into two.
  • It then does an upperslash before doing a jump and dive slash, creating a slash mark which causes the target to explode.
  • Beam Saber - Wing Zero flies at the foe and then slashes at the foe.
  • Machine Cannons - Wing Zero fires bullets from the vulcans on it's head.
  • Twin Buster Rifle Split (Neo Bird Mode) - Wing Zero flies and barrel rolls to the side firing beams from it's cannons.
  • Wing Vulcan - Wing Zero flies and then riddles the foe with bullets.
  • Valor - Causes the user's next attack to deal 200% damage.
  • Synchronize - Both pilots in a squad share the same stats.
  • Accel - Increases the user's movement range by 3.
  • Alert - The next enemy attack that would normally hit the user is automatically avoided.

    At the onset of Operation Meteor, Doctor J gave him the code name "Heero Yuy" after the martyred leader of the space colonies whom Odin assassinated years prior. Shortly thereafter, the nameless boy was taken in by Doctor J and trained as a Gundam pilot. Pilot Info: Heero Yuy was once a nameless protégé of the assassin Odin Lowe until the assassin's death during a failed mission. Like the Wing Gundam, it can transform into a high-speed flight mode dubbed "Neo-Bird Mode." Unlike the Gundams constructed based on its design, Wing Zero was built to be capable of both ground and space combat from the beginning. The plans remained hidden away until Quatre desperately built it to carry out his revenge following his father's death. but because of this dangerous mental interface, it was ultimately never constructed by the scientists. It was created with the "Perfect Victory" in mind, which boasts exceptional abilities and is one of the Mobile Suits to utilize the ZERO System just like the Epyon Gundam. It is the ancestor of the five Operation Meteor Gundams Wing, Deathscythe, Heavyarms, Sandrock, and Shenlong. Mech Info: The Wing Gundam Zero was created by the five Gundam scientists five years prior.

    Wing zero custom bird mode